1What is a documentation toolkit?
Most projects for management, compliance, and certification require documented policies, procedures, and instructions for work. CertiToolKit toolkits are a comprehensive resource, designed and tested in the field to meet specific requirements for documentation.The toolkit is a collection of customizable templates that industry experts have written to help you produce documentation that meets your selected management system standard requirements.
2Why would I like a toolkit for documentation?
Our toolkits for documentation are designed to minimize the amount of time and money an organization spends writing and producing the documents itself.
3What is the format of the files?
All our documentation toolkits are compatible with Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 and 2013, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint templates. If you are using older Microsoft Office or Mac versions, please contact us for an environmentally – friendly format.
4Are they going to work on my Mac?
If you are using a Mac, please contact us for an environmentally – friendly format. All our toolkits are available in formats that are Mac compatible.
5Is it going to work in my organization?
Our documentation toolkits are suitable for organizations of any kind or size, whether in the public or private sector, and contain the documentation templates and tools necessary for your project implementation. Although some document templates may not be relevant initially within the scope of your project, they may prove valuable over time as your business is growing and improving.
6How can I purchase the documentation toolkit?
You can purchase the documentation toolkit from our online shop using our secure payment platform or, if you use a Mac or older versions of Microsoft Office (or if you’d just prefer to speak to someone), you can
contact us.We are ISO 27001-certified and PCI-compliant.
7Do I need to install the toolkit as a software product?
No, you don’t need to install a software product. The documents, however, use a certified macro that allows you to set document classification levels and fill in certain repetitive fields quickly throughout documentation templates, such as your company logo, name and address. Our code has a certificate signed to verify that we are the publishers. Our default download format is the macro – enabled version. If you require a version without automation, or if you would like more information, please contact us to continue your purchase. If you are using older Microsoft Office or Mac versions, please contact us for an environmentally – friendly format.
8How do I get the documents?
All documentation toolkits are fulfilled electronically and you will receive your sales receipt and download instructions immediately after the purchase has been completed.
9Are the toolkits suitable for using ‘ straight from the box ‘?
Toolkits are not your project’s out – of – the – box solution, so you’ll need to do more than ‘ fill in the blanks. ‘ Compliance, management systems, and certification projects are complex and require much more work than just documentation, and this should be taken into account when buying a toolkit. Our documentation toolkits provide a documentation framework for your project, with expert written content and guidance. You will need to make sure that the templates are edited to really reflect the nature of your business and the environment it operates within. To help you as much or as little as you need, we offer a wide range of packaged solutions.
10Can I edit the documentation for my organisation?
Yes, please! To truly reflect the nature of your business and the environment in which it operates, our document templates need to be edited. Toolkits are not an out – of – the – box solution ; you will need to add details to the templates that match what your business is doing and what your business should be doing, depending on your implementation project. Projects for compliance, management system and certification are complex and require much more work than just documentation, which should be considered when purchasing a toolkit.
11Can I talk to somebody about the requirements of my organization before I buy?
Absolutely! You can talk to our friendly team and help you define your project.
12Do you offer toolkits support?
We provide a free update service for 12 months to ensure that you receive all recent updates with any improvements and changes we make. Your feedback is vital to the development of our toolkits, as is the work we do with consultants and clients, so please contact us and let us know if there is room for improvement. We also offer an unlimited support service for drafting. Unlimited support for drafting involves helping to set up, customize, and use templates, including helping to interpret the structure of the document. Because the toolkit is a project resource, not an out – of – the – box solution, drafting support does not extend to consultancy and implementation advice. Documentation toolkits are designed to be used by organizations of all types and sizes, just like the Standard itself. It may be necessary for organizations to develop specific content relevant to their internal processes and activities.
13Do you offer refunds and returns?
Since documentation toolkits can not be returned physically, we can not offer refunds. Before you complete your purchase, please check that your chosen format is suitable for your computer environment. Please see our terms and conditions for more information. Please contact us if you have any concerns.